Mads D, SiamPictures

Mads D Siampictures: Long time residens and Thailand Explorer We are thrilled to introduce Mads D Siampictures as a guest writer for Kamala Beach Estate. A long-time resident of Kamala Beach Estate, Mads has driven over 500,000 kilometers across Thailand, uncovering hidden gems and sharing his discoveries with the world. A True Thailand Explorer Mads […]

Explore Phuket’s Best Beaches with Phuket Beach Map

What Makes Phuket Beaches Unique? Describing Phuket’s beaches without resorting to clichés is challenging, but I’ll give it a try. Generally, the west coast beaches boast powdery white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters with breathtaking views. While beautiful beaches exist worldwide, Phuket’s coastline offers over thirty stunning beaches on a relatively small island, making it […]

Green Curry

Thai Green Curry, or Kaeng Khiao Wan as it is known locally, is a rich, fragrant, and visually appealing dish that perfectly captures the essence of Thai cuisine. Its history is as vibrant as the dish itself, as it’s deeply intertwined with Thailand’s culinary and cultural journey.   This beloved curry’s journey began hundreds of […]

Room 10

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